Indonesia South Coast Tour - Karanghawu

Karanghawu Beach is located in the Cikakak village, Cisolok, Sukabumi, has been known for its mystical story. The beach is located about 73 kilometers from Sukabumi it with coordinates 6 ° 57.29 'S 106 ° 27.611' E, it is believed some of the community as a location for Kadita Lara's throne, Prince King Siliwangi or more popularly by Nyi Roro Kidul. Some are calling it the South Queen and Nyi Blorong.

Exactly, her throne is located on top of the cliff that juts into the ocean off the Indian Ocean. On that cliff Nyi Roro Kidul is believed to never be alone and be imprisoned. The story is not only a legend developed in the Sundanese people, but also seems to believe the first president of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno. That said, The Proclaimers had been imprisoned in patilasan Nyi Roro Kidul.

In Sunda folklore mentioned, Nyi Roro Kidul or Kadita Lara Princess is the favorite daughter of princess and most beloved by the father, Prabu Siliwangi. Besides beauty admired for his face, the princess is also known refined. Beauty and the excessive affection that then caused envy and jealousy of the Prabu Siliwangi concubines. Peak, the concubines were sent magic so that the princess suffered from skin disease which has no cure.

The princess was driven from his palace and headed south to the top of the karanghawu hill to later be imprisoned. In her asceticism, the princess gets wangsit (order) to plunge into the south ocean (Indian Ocean) for his illness to recover and become a powerful man. Because of its miracle of that, the princess and then became the ruler of the South Seas and was nicknamed Queen of the South Sea or Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.

Reefs and cliffs that juts into the sea up to now still a hallmark of natural scenery on the Karanghawu Beach. Called Karanghawu because the beach area have a reef that juts into the sea and perforated in several parts that make up such as stoves (which in Sundanese called Hawu).

Although the magical atmosphere of Nyi Roro Kidul was still part of Karanghawu beach, few tourists who come attracted by the legend. Charm of natural beach with lapping Karanghawu Waves when hitting the barrier reef is more challenging to be enjoyed.

Not to mention when the evening approached, the flock of bats from the Mountain Mist marched in the sky. In addition, cluster Winarum and Rahayu hills with kedasih and ketilang bird, creating a cool and refreshing atmosphere.

Karanghawu Beach offers a panoramic view of nature that is very exotic, with the cool air, the rocks bordering the beach, as well as a vast expanse of sand and soft. In addition to offering tourists can make swimming and fishing activities are often done every morning and late afternoon, some visitors also do surfing activities.

"Surfing is generally done only Caucasian people, usually between the hours of eight am to sebelasan, after that just sunbathing, sunbathe and go back to the hotel," said Ayi, a parking attendant at a Karanghawu tourist attraction.

Karanghawu tourist area is known as a transit area for visitors who relax unwind after a long trip from the area of South Banten, Bayah, Cikotok Padeglang and more to the Bogor direction or Sukabumi.

At the peak there Winarum sacred tombs and ruins, the tomb of Sheikh Hasan Ali, a large and fairly well-known scholars in the area of ​​Sukabumi. A cleric who led the meeting to build tactics spread of Islam in the south. Meanwhile, Rahayu hilltop tomb contained a character named disseminator of Islam and Raden Raden Dikudratullah framelike device, both are descendants of Sunan Gunung Jati.

It is very interesting from both of the cliff at the shoreline which is the existence of freshwater springs. Many visitors who use this water to bathe or wash her ​​face because it is believed to bring fortune.

Actually, a lot of natural scenery can be enjoyed during a visit to the Karanghawu Beach. Even when nature is not friendly as it is now, Karanghawu still visited by many people, especially to simply enjoy the huge waves which hit the reef and creating a loud enough noise. "When we feel like now this is the greatness of Allah's creation. In front of him, we feel small and helpless," said Mahmoud Ali, a visitor from Tangerang.

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